NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 28

Little helpful hint for you: if you decide to clean off some of your palette, and specifically, decide to wipe down the paint-sticky edges of it… make sure that your finished painting is somewhere far away and your clothes are all washable because I managed to disconnect the lid, drop the bottom with all the newly wet and cleaned out sections of paint which basically threw drops of bright color paint everywhere onto me and the newly done painting. Yeah, I meant to do that. Honestly, it’s a thing and I’ve never managed to get good dots of paint like this before!

Pencil width rolls of
Lily of The Valley leaves
Spiking the lawn edge

the light is fading
the robins take to the shrubs
reciting their day

all the fresh green leaves
fade to silver and blue
and everything sleeps

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 28