TGIF painting

I went out this morning thinking to paint at Hand Hollow. I stopped and finished my coffee there but it was too hot to paint. Listened to the birds awhile and then went home and painted from my porch. I had my bubba packed with ice and a cool beverage.

Then I had a bit oƒ dinner and went off to Claverack for the opening reception of an exhibit, paintings of the Columbia County Plein Air Artists. This was at the Claverack Free Library. Very nice drive and nice exhibit room.

Came home and looked at the three peppers I’d gotten at the community frig in New Lebanon earlier – very picturesque! So I did a quick painting of them too.

TGIF painting

June the First – another 30 days?

I’m going to be aiming for another month of painting each day. Today it was so hot out that I opted to prune a branch from the rhododendron (was trying to push into the porch!) and bring it inside. Note to self: take a photo from the angle the painting will be done in because when I set the painting aside to dry, I foolishly moved the vase to let me take a quick photo of something else… duh.

I would like to really thank Fred Lisaius. I took an online class with him early on and I bow in the direction of Washington State every time I do negative painting!

Also, the models for a few days ago are now resting in their next incarnation, in the frig.

Wide-mouth mason jar with metal cap, full of pickled red onions and green and yellow peppers.

June the First – another 30 days?

Almost the end of May

Eeks, this month really seemed to fly by. I headed out this morning determined to see if I could plop myself down on the new picnic tables at Hand Hollow – and after acquiring the required coffee etc, that’s what I did. I tried †ø keep it simple. Maybe minimalism should be the byword for next month?

Visit with Mom this afternoon to get a look at her front steps construction start and have a little visit. Came home and did this because I scored another red onion and took a big handful of peppers to try adding them to the next pickling brew. Don’t know if people don’t like hot peppers but there were a lot of them in the community free frig asking to be taken home and used.

Almost the end of May

May the Sixth

Feeling a little jet-lagged but I only lost sleep because Mom and I got up to start watching the coronation. Coverage started at 5 am. It was worth doing from a historical-I-might-not-get-to=see-this-again point of view. By the time it was over, we were BOTH starving and I made a full English breakfast with all the goodies. Turned out pretty darn good if I do say so and mom scarfed it up too.

Dug up some stuff in the front yard – by the time I sat down to do a quick paint, I was pooped.

May the Sixth

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 25

Cold and gray this morning. Now it’s bright and sunny. I was sure I’d get rained on. Trying to decide what to paint I thought – I need new geraniums to paint so watch this space! I did have a delicious dinner of leftover pasta bolognese.

halfway out the door
I remember leftovers
waiting for me

open the frig door
there they are, safely stored
thank you past self.

now having eaten,
i am more than contented
and quite virtuous.

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 25

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 23

This evening, the sun has peeked out of the clouds. I may have eaten too much spaghetti with very aged Parm. Reg. Is that even possible?

Last night’s dark hard rain
I closed the windows while it
blew in sideways

Steady rain today
got soaked giving coffee grounds
to the wet garden

Painted inside
a still life, vegetables
cold from the frig

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 23

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 22

Happy Earth Day! Looked and felt like rain a good part of the afternoon but no. Had dinner and visit with mom and came home thinking I’d be in a zoom meeting but no. So I sat down and painted instead.

wind sparking light
sky caught in tree branches
i lay down, content.

heavy afternoon
willingly i lay down
my to-do list

a wind rushes past
signaling incoming rain
the earth sits waiting.

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 22

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 4

Mom and I had dueling eye doctor appointments, same time, different doctors. We drove home via Joann’s and I picked out some fabric for chair cushions, after we sat in the car and read today’s breaking news headlines. Then it was home to enjoy a wonderful dinner of Norwegian salmon and celebratory bloody marys.

Sat in the front yard
watching the daffodils blooming
rather than the news

it’s possible spring
will last a week or so
unless we get snow

over there a grackle
is being scolded by a
chickadee or two

such a relief, the sun
warm on me and the garden
be hopeful today

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 4

Day 23 NaPoWriMo 2022

I did a quick survey of conveyors of Indian food today – and drove, thinking to do take out, which meant I should have also done a search for nearby parks but when I got to this little place in a small strip mall, it was actually very nice and not quite empty so I sat down and ate. And ate. And went home with two bags of naan!

Looking for Indian food
I try to remember my first,
how and where,
who would have convinced me
to join them in
something so exotic.
Later, I bit
into a cardamon pod
tasting only gratitude.

Day 23 NaPoWriMo 2022

Day 11 NaPoWriMo 2022

Well what can I say? I have been longing for Kasha Varnishkes and Mom probably thought – why is she making SO MUCH? But I have no problem. Well maybe a problem, but not with eating it.

kasha varnishkes
for breakfast lunch or dinner
I made a big batch.

thank you nameless cook
who put together buckwheat
and bowtie noodles

pile it on my plate
maybe just a dab of schmaltz
may i have some more?

 kasha varnishkes

Day 11 NaPoWriMo 2022