Sunday’s Paints

I headed off pretty early to the Berkshire Botanical Garden where a lot of people were wandering around looking at plants. Chatted with some nice folks, and noticed that just like the days of sitting with raffle quilts at shows, it is often the MEN of couples passing by who stop to chat and see what you’re doing. So fascinating. Anyway, people stopped, young and old, to chat and talk about what I was doing and what they do. The roses smelled great and a lot of flower beds were coming into their prime.


and a final paint in my front yard after a nice dinner with Mom. If you haven’t signed up for the August Postcard Poetry Fest 2019, there’s still some time – registration closes July 4th!

Resolve in advance to persist until you succeed, no matter what the difficulty. — Brian Tracy

Sunday’s Paints

And more painting!

And more painting!

Yes I’ve been painting…

Yes I’ve been painting…

Sir Harry

In all his majestic majesty.

Sir Harry


Everything’s very green but this week the peonies and early day lily Stella D’Ora are blooming! And one of my winter-overed geraniums is going to bloom soon enough – lots of flower buds forming!


Va-kay, Day Five

Did you wonder where I’d gone? I’ve been to The Clark, to see a lot of Renoirs, I’ve been out and around painting, I’ve started a class with Tony Conner via the Arts Center in Troy… Catch me if you can!

Va-kay, Day Five

Day Two Of Painting Before The Clouds Set In

Today was sunny again but not the bright blue skies of yesterday. At one point I thought I’d have to throw everything into the back of the car due to what looked like imminent rain but the darkness passed and I kept going. Came home and gave the front yard a quick clip and now it’s time to wash all these clothes. First thing I did yesterday was get a sleeve into quinacridone violet and touch my skirt and paper. Oh well. Today I came home splattered with greens but less on my clothes.

Diligence is the mother of good luck.
— Benjamin Franklin

Day Two Of Painting Before The Clouds Set In

Paint Day at Last!

It’s been rainy. I’ve been working. This morning though, the sun was out AND I was off work and so I headed out pretty early. Got coffee and even lunch on my way out of town and ended up wandering around and finally at the Clark for awhile for painting. There were a couple bus loads of school kids who kept the cows moving around up on the field and the kids were very interested in what I was doing and quite enthusiastic. Someone from the Clark asked if he could take a photo of me (very picturesque I am sure I was in my hat and all!)

Here are some photos from the day, including one showing my palette all cleaned and ready to go both tomorrow and for next week’s class in Troy.

Paint Day at Last!