The Eve of April – NaPoWriMo

is there a map back
to where we are going if
that’s where we’re going – back.
the familiar stream banks
fidget day to day
as cold early rains
return the clouds to earth
and remind the fields
they aren’t meant to be
always yellow and tan.
So even though these hills
and the curves of the road
are easy enough to follow –
each tree in rosy bud,
each twig added to nest
the quick burst of daffodil –
the world is turning remember
not returning, so go on.

The Eve of April – NaPoWriMo

The Eve of April and NaPoWriMo – a new start!

Yes this past year was weird to the max, wasn’t it? I confess that although I was doubling up in my news aggregating and posting via social media, I couldn’t keep it going here too apparently? We were all tired for sure! And relieved when November came and went after a long stretch of pandemic isolation and all the pressures and anxieties it brought along with it.

I was painting and writing but not blogging.

But, today is the eve of April and in an effort to get “normal” back on track, let’s do this thing – blogging and NaPoWriMo. I’ve been doing some prep work for the month of poems-to-be. And, I think I’ll move something I’ve been doing over on the ol’ facebook to here since it’s all about the daily photo of something seen and enjoyed.

Welcome visitors, old and new and let the blog blossom along with the daffodils out front!

The Eve of April and NaPoWriMo – a new start!