It’s the Little Things

Thank you to the man, probably a manager, at the bistro I just ate in at LAX. They seemed to be having logistical and supply issues. I got my dinner ordered along with an iced tea and a newcastle. He brought over the beer in a plastic cup and then my to-go plate of food arrived. I allowed as I’d gladly drink the newcastle with a straw if I could just get a lid for the cup since I needed the beer more than the floor did. He shared a nice laugh with me and enjoyed both my lunch – fabulous roast chicken, curried cauliflower and spicy broccoli similar to what I make myself – AND my beverages. I think I could have wandered around the airport with my sippy cup although the airport rules sort of frown on that sort of thing LOL. shhhhh.

Two weeks and growing and adventuring

Well they’re actually two and a half months old but they have sure grown since they moved in. They are sweet and adorable and cute as all get out which is good because they’re into EVERYThing. They leap tall buildings in a single bound. They’ve learned how to drink out of a faucet. They are kissing up to Molly who seems to regard them with interest and occasionally sniffs them. They find things, they collapse in little kitten piles of sleep and then they do it all again.

They’ll be having a little adventure with Molly starting tomorrow. Watch this space to find out more. Also check out the links at the top of the column to the right of here.

Houston, we have kittehs!

Yes, yes, yes, you’re saying. We know you have kittens. They’re 100%, 24/7 adorable. Got it.

Well, I think these kittens finally have names! Ginny (top) and Harry (bottom)

Life — from the quote box

Listen to life, and you will hear the voice of life crying, Be! — James Dillet Freeman

The Hard Work of New Paint

Oh the toil and angst and hard work of it all: the picking and obtaining of new colors.

I usually mix my real darks as I need them. Lighter greys can be had but I felt I needed a grey or two for mixing with other colors but sometimes as, what they call, convenience colors. To me blacks and greys are pretty much up there with primaries but it’s not like I have black or white on my palette.

In any case, some might say I over indulged but this was my haul from Arlene’s the other day. And a big kudos to the young woman who excitedly looked over my choices as she rang me out and then demonstrated just how cool the pencil sharpener was that I was buying. It made me feel part of the tribe. Thank you!

Today’s Blur of Kittens

Kittens Tonight! 30 Sept 2017//

Today, Poetry

Today at lunch
I wrote a poem about war
and thought
this is what it’s come to
after all these years
of killing.
War again.

That’s not the poem
but it’s what I was thinking.

Where that Experiment Ended Up

Remember me messing around with clouds with a splash of gouache?

I finally scanned the end result wherein I filled in the land area and then made it darker.

In reality though my life is all about these two little monsters. Still no names. And for the record… multicolor cats don’t need a splotch of graphite gray paint on their little cheeks… I’m looking at you little girl kitten…


This morning’s look at last night’s experiment