Beware Women With Tools

The other night a state trooper stopped me to tell me I had a brake light out. At the end I asked – ummm which side? And he told me – driver’s side, ma’am. So the next day I went to my favorite NAPA store and got a couple replacement brake lights. I found instructions online for how to do the task and they said:

The tools needed to complete this procedure include a 10mm socket, a 1/4″ drive ratcheting wrench, a plastic automotive panel pry bar and a Torx T25 star bit screwdriver.

So in the DIY spirit and feeling like I’ll be doing this again I picked up these at Home Depot tonight on the way home. Had a little multi-tool thing in the paint supplies to get the tools out of the packaging. I felt good about it. That little thing is handy.

Got home just in time to replace the burnt out one before it was too dark. Will replace the other side another time when it’s daylight. The only tricky bit was taking the electrical plug out – had to look at it to see where the snap part was so I could get it off.

The Winding Path of Friday

When I got home I added test swatches for two new colors I’d gotten this morning.

I stopped at Arlene’s Art Supplies on my way to work because I was waiting for my car to hit 100,000 miles and didn’t want to be on the highway when it did. [obligatory dash photo]

I also documented that I’m still getting over 40 miles per gallon with this car, a 2012 Fiat 500c.

The other night I tried this quick painting of some clouds. The paper is a corner of some white Arches paper I’d gotten to try but geesh it has this huge impressed logo in TWO corners… Really?

Tonight after a hard day at work, I did this 4×6″ postcard on Strathmore postcard paper.

And finally, a week or so ago, Mom shared a bag of oranges with me. They were truly the most wonderful tasting oranges I ever had! She thought so too. They were huge and it turned out we each ate half an orange at a time, savoring every slice and we were both sad when we’d eaten the last one. She went back to her source and came home with another bag! Big naval oranges with super bitter, orange-y skin and sweet juiciness within. Thanks Mom!