From the Quote Box

A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. — Leonardo da Vinci

The Eve of NaNoWriMo (aka Halloween)

Yup, it’s that time again when words fly, charts grow, pencils get gnawed, and a writer’s mind turns to – well, how can I get 1667 words down today?

I was off today and I set myself some chores to do. I cut down part of a tree using my new reciprocating saw (battery-powered no less! I had a nice coat of sawdust!) and put down the last storm windows and even threw a load of wash in. I fiddled with my monopod/walking stick (still too big to go in the main suitcase) and then the smaller tripod (yes, the quick release head will go on it but it could use a washer underneath it).

Then Mom and I agreed that dinner and The Voice would be a good way to spend the evening so that’s just what we did. Then I went off to join the other WriMo’s at Denny’s. They were running pre-NaNoWriMo sprints so I fiddled with photos and now I’m doing a pre-midnight blog entry.

Earlier today before all the chores and stuff, I took a detour and saw things like this:


Click here for the other few photos.

Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes. — Carl Sandburg

Not among the missing!

Nope, I’m here. Just been busy and tired and doing this and that which doesn’t always seem like very much. Put together a packet of poems to send the two workshop teachers I’ll be meeting with soon enough. That’s coming up fast and frankly, I’m SO ready for a vacation.

NaNoWriMo is about to start again and even though I know I won’t be totally aiming for a 50K year, I am hoping to get the story at least to the end in timeline form and do as much as I can in between everything else.

I’ve been trying to squeeze in a little painting too. I spent a pleasant hour or so recently watching some videos – ain’t the internet grand? – and learned how to mix some mighty good greys. The teacher seemed anxious to reassure viewers that it’s ok that there seemed to be color overtones in his greys – blues or greens or reds or browns and I nodded. I knew all this was true – greys are warm and cool and muddy and reflective of other colors and they’re never just black and white mixed together. So blue and red lake? perfect for clouds pushing it a little to blue, a little to red whatever you need.


Click here for all the rest of the album.

I’m also thankful for some painting advice I got from someone I met through work. He asked me if I was having fun painting (yes) and then asked where I was getting my supplies (he approved) and gave me a tip from his own great experience (cool!). He was encouraging of my writing and it was nice of him to look at my dabblings!

From the quote box just now:

Tomorrow is only found in the calendar of fools. — Og Mandino

Living in a Box of Paints


Click here for whole watercolor album on Flickr.

The View and the Words

Not as in spring when flowers, pulled upward,
fill the yard, cherries spilling without thrift
In an October morning, the hillside
having spooned with a cold night or two,
begins to shed her green cloaking, slowly
stored sunlight bursting out all red and gold
flaming against the pthalo pines and clear sky.
the sap green vanishes
in one frost, maybe two
with sudden glad review of summer spent
the green of spring stowed back safe
to rise again from sleeping roots in May
Now teased by wind, bright leaves chatter goodbyes
skittering frogs, piling at fences
while winter prayerful bides in grey again.

Fall Sneaks In

went for a little drive to soak up some of the fall colors and ambiance. Found some side roads I’m not sure I’d been drown before, finally found Powell’s Conservation Area. Saw some folks out riding their horses (waited politely in my turned off car for them to pass by). Down by the conervation area I saw the most amazing views of the Catskills. Amazing! A woman I’d seen walking her dog stopped in her car to remark on the view and told me I should go up the hill into the field but I like to respect No Trespassing signs. Color me crazy. Maybe next time I’ll figure out where to ask permission.

Click on the photo to go to the Flickr Album!


TGIF – watercolor and more

Spent some time with Mom today (I tried to consolidate all the itinerary stuff) and then came home and fiddled around with stuff including doing some watercolor. Always a good time! And as always, you can check out new things on the flickr album by clicking below.

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Sunset, October 11

I did spend some time at home and all but the trip to Ghent (all those squirrels and all the rest and even a couple groundhogs) this morning and the trip out tonight to check out clouds was well worth it. Click on the photo below for the whole album.


Mailbox Bonanza!

Came home from my morning jaunt and found THIS in my mailbox! When my eyes finally peeled away from the fabulous book I found Smeagle looking at me. What stamps! Thanks so much Marge – what a wonderful remembrance of that exhibit!

keep on keeping on – do the work, do the work

I’m purposely working to be patient and let things dry and do things in stages. Doing a couple paintings in tandem is helpful in this. I’ve also opened up my arches pad of paper and found I can fold and tear it into postcard size pieces which is great for practicing small effects. Big juicy watercolor but in fun small bites.
