Button, Button – Who’s Got The Button?

Very unexpected find today. I’m pretty confident that that’s my very first Question Authority button, which I got by asking the woman who was wearing it if I could get one and she handed it to me (a bit reluctantly perhaps). Because of this, if people comment on my RESIST or “Dare to Call It Treason” buttons, I am ready to hand them over. The more the merrier!

button with white background. in lowercase, black letters in center: whining. Imposed over this the universal red NO circle and slash.

Button, Button – Who’s Got The Button?

Exhausting Week. TGIF!

It’s been an exhausting week apparently. The two cats (and me) hanging out at Mom’s while waiting for new furnace to be installed. Apparently the stresses of trying to get past each and every closed door is overwhelming. I’m counting TGIF as my one good thing for today. Sleep on cats!

I will study and prepare myself and one day, my day will come.

— Abraham Lincoln

Exhausting Week. TGIF!

One Good Thing

Let’s find one good thing every day.
Show or tell us your one good thing.

During the Pandemic, a fellow I am friends with on facebook, Carl Mastandrea, was posting a photo every day with “Let’s find one good thing every day. What’s your one good thing today?” He was interrupted by life and I started posting my own, to encourage myself and others to look around at the little things and see how much beauty there can be. I remember during the early days of COVID, going out each morning and looking around, taking some photos and waiting with anticipation to see what Carl and others would post. Thank you Carl.

If you’re on social media, I encourage you to share little things that catch your eye because we all need a little beauty and focus these days. Your cat’s whiskers, a blooming plant, some clouds, a visit with a friend or family member. Make someone’s heart glad for a moment with what made your heart glad.

One Good Thing