The Eve of April

My tradition is to write an eve of April poem so here it goes. Maureen over at NaPoWriMo headquarters suggested a play on Emily Dickinson so that was a nice launching prompt. So without further ado:

hope it’s a forever thing
that sprouts from sidewalk cracks
tougher than old macadam
it’s bird song that turns my head
so I notice the load of luck
left on my luckless shoulder.
at times hope springs from nothing
others she rides with death
a silent companion in grief
who turns our attention to
small gladnesses of spring
and deep quietude of night
hope takes our hand and whispers
see tomorrow? be strong enough.

The Eve of April

The End of March – April is Coming

It’s been too long a time and here I am again, about to launch into April and National/Global Poetry Writing Month. This interruption started in February, as I was settling into writing daily postcards for World Peace Poetry Postcards. Got thrown off that horse for a couple weeks but finally did get caught up and back on track.

What’s this National Poetry Writing stuff about, you ask? Pretty simple – you vow to yourself that you will write a poem a day for the month of April which is National Poetry Month. If you need some direction or companionship – the NaPoWriMo site is a great place. There you can get daily prompts and information, and read the poems of others and share your own. You’re under no obligation to show anyone your month of poems during the month or after. No matter what you’ll have stirred the pot of poetic and other creative juices and that’s always a good thing.

The End of March – April is Coming