Chasing Clouds all over town

I did set out to paint but ended up chasing clouds around New Lebanon (mommy why is that woman taking video of the sky? (I’m not – panoramic is the name of the game sometimes)

So here, unedited are all of today’s iPhone photos and as soon as I find the giszmo, I’ll put up the ones from my actual camera (remember those?)

clouds 24 May 2020//

Chasing Clouds all over town

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

I went out because the clouds and sky were glorious but the colors of spring are mysterious and fugitive. Tonight I went out to the car because I’d left my snack out there uneaten. I sat there and ate it, pear juice all over my face and hands while I watched the birds at the feeder.

Controlled time is our true wealth.
— Buckminster Fuller

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

May the Second

I sort of took yesterday off, but suffice it to say there was rain to go along with the day. Today though the sun was out and the clouds… well, I took a lot of cloud photos, a lot of photos. The clouds were complex and amazing. I’ll see if I can get them up to Flickr.

I did sit and paint in one spot and watched the clouds roll past.

May the Second