The Small Things That Start Big Things

Looked out from upstairs and the one birdfeeder’s lid/roof was askew – again. And again, after me spending a bit of time the other day trying to realign and tighten it up a little. There is a pivoting “weathervane” on top that secures the roof to the feeder’s body by rotating through a slot inside.

So when I went out to look for mail (and good morning to you, chickens) I went over to look at the feeder. What’s that fuzzy stuff leaking out under the roof eave?


Now I’d expect that being a couple feet away would send a squirrel flying but no – there were metal walls blocking my approach. So I picked up the biggest stick I could find on the ground and gave that thing one big THUMP and yell! That squirrel scrabbled out and jumped seriously twelve feet without hitting anything.

I took down the feeder and dumped part of it into the chicken’s place o’seeds. I took a different feeder and filled it with the rest and hung it up while I figure out if there’s a way to secure the roof without it being human proof too.

Thus endeth today’s squirrel saga. In a moment of pure vengeance I forgot to take a photo. Please forgive.

The Small Things That Start Big Things

Merry Christmas 2021!

Well we made it to Christmas! Hurrah for us!

Thinking about all of you who maybe still aren’t with your family and friends because of the pandemic. Hope we can turn it around this year. Like they say – next year in Jerusalem! Or as others say – Make It So!

I’ve been quiet here, but I’ve been plugging along. Recently I tried something new. Sort of put me off course for NaNoWriMo, but it was fun and made my brain work pretty hard at times. Gave me a few flashbacks to my start up days of doing layout and printing too. I tried lino printing and was supported by generous people on youtube who shared their knowledge and craft there so I could see the whole process, get pointers, get some warnings etc etc.

So Merry Christmas and all the best in the coming year! Here’s my holiday card to all of you!

I was reminded while working on this of what is said when the reading of each book of the Torah is completed: “Chazak, Chazak v’nitchazek!:”– Be Strong, Be Strong, and Let Us Strengthen One Another. Let’s continue to be strong and be strong for each other in the coming year.

Merry Christmas 2021!