The return and this and that (and cats of course)

First off, shout out to Katie at the Jewelry Repair Center in Schodack. I took a chance one day and stopped in to see what could be done about my crystal pendant. I’d gotten it in 2006 to commemorate getting a quilt into Quilt National for the first time and had worn it ever since. Alas, the wire wrapping was breaking and it seemed it might be getting too loose to wear safely.

Turns out Katie had recently started there and did wrapping. I went back another day to meet her and look at examples of her work and we kind of came up with a loose plan. About a week or so later I got a message that my crystal was ready to be picked up.

I couldn’t be more pleased and will be glad to go back there for more! Also worth knowing that they have a book swap table – for leaving/leaving with a new book or few.

This beautiful Gardenia was enjoying and filling the air at Jimmy D’s Diner in New Lebanon. It lives inside the diner during the winter months and blooms a little. Mainly it enjoys everyone’s attention in the off-season.

We had a few days of ninety degree weather and the cats were rather limp.

The return and this and that (and cats of course)

For the quote box

All great and beautiful work has come of first gazing without shrinking into the darkness. — John Ruskin

And this:

It is far more difficult to be simple than to be complicated; far more difficult to sacrifice skill and easy execution in the proper place, than to expand both indiscriminately. — John Ruskin

For the quote box