NaPoWriMo 2019: Day Three

I fetched potting soil and pots and plant food. I repotted oxalis (hope that works!) and tidied and fed three geraniums, two of whom fought their way through winter, along with one that has a bit of hope still. Pulled over to write this and then took the scenic route home.

I am friendless or
everyone is my friend,
I no longer know.
I once giggled,
telling made up secrets
but now there’s no one to
come sharing fears or
carefully taking mine
in both hands.
The land is brown,
the trees empty, waiting out
the end of winter
In a month I’ll be decrying
how impossible the many greens,
so today – thank you trees
for bravely showing me
your strong dark selves
holding up your arms
against the barely warm sky.
Thank you for gathering up
my whispered truths
and staying put.

NaPoWriMo 2019: Day Three was originally published on

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