Day 7 NaPoWriMo 2022

I came home today. I had to unload the car and put stuff away. I repacked my go-bag, as one does, so it’s ready to go next time. For grins I checked the larger go bag from 2016-2020, LOL. I was closely supervised and nearly tripped up by my cat supervisors during all this. I sat briefly on the bed and was surrounded by two cats. I sorted out the new tarot cards I’d gotten and shuffled and regretted shuffling and did this on the other side of a closed door because… cats.

I don’t know if I’ll be getting any sleep tonight because… cats. Huge cats taking up most of the bed. But that’s the price to pay. They love me… cats.

I’ve been away.

They tell me, the cats,
you’ve been away
and we worried.
Even though you returned
to feed us regularly,
we worried we would starve.
We worried you would be sad
so we did our best
not to starve and wait.
We waited for you to return.
You’ve been away
and we worried.

Day 7 NaPoWriMo 2022

One Response

  1. It is exactly as if this cat were speaking. :) See, I only speak dog. But you make a great interpreter. Beautifully spoken.

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