NaPoWriMo Day 2

Today was more about picking up a grocery order and unpacking some shipped fruits and vegetables but this was yesterday:

Picnic in Time of Isolation

Having carefully packed my
ham and cheese sandwich, the
packet of crackers, the
thermos of hot tea,
I sit and picnic in the car.
In the late day slant
the tips of my front yard birch
are pink and sparkling while
lower branches move with birds
grabbing last seeds from the
feeder there. I have to duck
as I pass but now it’s busy
with sparrows and red-wings and
finches, and there’s a dove.
I sit in the warmer car,
thermos cup on the dash,
savoring the mustard and how
someone, oh me, toasted the bread
and carefully cut the
resulting sandwich in two.
The ground is thick with empty
seeds but the grass is greening
and the daffodils glow in the light.
Soon tiny solar lights will twinkle
on above the front door,
welcoming me back and I’ll pass
beneath the several vee’s of
birch trunk, ducking on my way home,
hands incensed with the sacredness
of a single mandarin orange.

NaPoWriMo Day 2

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