Sandy Hook

Today is the eighth anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

I had gone the previous night to a midnight showing of the Hobbit in Nyack NY where there is a “real” IMAX movie theater. A group of us went and had a good time hanging out and enjoying the film.

I stopped at the Nassau Diner on my way home, thinking it was funny to be doing my day sort of in reverse, drinking coffee on the way home rather than the way to work. A news alert popped up while I was there about another shooting. Tired but caffeinated I drove home.

When I got home the news was overwhelming and unbelievable. And we live with a string of shootings now that are overwhelming and unbelievable that have happened since then. That day was Columbine all over again and now there are almost too many to recite.

There have been attempts to deny that any of this happened. How incredible is that, all by itself? But no one can deny the realty that these children died, along with others shot down by unnecessary assault-style weapons. As have many others – too many – since then.

Sandy Hook

One Response

  1. Heartbreaking isn’t an adequate word. What’s sick is that Monday was called “Green Monday” for some retail shopping day. Green is the Sandy Hook color. Made me upset but who would really make the connection? (It’s just a sick coincidence.)

    Re: the hoax theory: sometimes I wish to God it were only a hoax.

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