NaPoWriMo – Day Seventeen (hold that thought)

Yes Seventeen… you know what that means? DING DING DING it’s Haiku Day!

We’ll be fine. Mostly.
Yes mid-April snow is fine.
I’m sure we’ll be fine.

Tax day came and went
without much pressure this year
Uh, what is today?

Been eating healthy.
Stocked up on beans and cabbage.
Craving a burger.

My shelves are well-stocked
I have emergency lights
Could you please call me?

Social Distancing
is a must these days for all
Hey, six feet back, bub!

Who is that masked man?
This is not a comic book,
just the grocery store.

Stay at home April
time to write many haiku
and eat some bonbons.

The cats look askance
You fed us, now go to work
please and thank you mom.

Some day we will laugh
at parts of this pandemic
but not all of it.

NaPoWriMo – Day Seventeen (hold that thought)

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