Guess MB’s Been Busy?

Yes I have been busy! Thanks for checking up on me.

I had a few days off over the holiday weekend and spent it doing some painting, some visiting of Mom, and clearing out of some boxes and other recyclables. Geesh. And laundry. And watching painters on YouTube. And eating.

I did this because I had cut up some paper and one piece didn’t cooperate, had a little boo-boo along an edge and it ended up this weird shape. Really just wanted to work out getting some tree/foliage texture going on so I’m calling it a good practice piece but not a good painting.

This was done one day at work using an iPad, a Pencil and the Procreate app.

I found some lupines in a field not too far from work so I did this quick sketch from a photo.

Everyonce in awhile I like to try to paint along with one of the youtube painters I follow, but of course I don’t know what the final idea is and I am too impatient to stop the video to let things dry so I carry on. This is a screen shot of the one by Alan Owen of the UK.

This is mine, looking a little more “spring in North America”:

More to come! Lunch over!